Squall’s End
Heidi Fry Heidi Fry

Squall’s End

Old scars growing dark on cold skin.
Stories that carved a life,

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poetry Heidi Fry poetry Heidi Fry


Goats laugh to each other,
sharing secrets about me.
The wind breathes the bock tune,
of a far away bard.
Still I trek, up and up and up,
to see that great canopy from the top.

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Nook & Crank Pin
short story Heidi Fry short story Heidi Fry

Nook & Crank Pin

Eoghan watched the shadows of their silhouettes, morphing along the rustic wood panels, and took note of the faux brown leather flaking off above the chair’s claw-footed legs. The seat cushion, flat and uninviting. He paused, struggling to remember how it had looked when he first started visiting.

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poetry Heidi Fry poetry Heidi Fry


In a shadow between two buildings,
a woman clenches rosary beads.
The hem of her dress skims a murky puddle.

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